Easy English

Accessibility Statement

This is the website of the online course Business and Human Rights https://www.humanrights4dev.org
We, the German Institute for Human Rights,
want you to have barrier-free access to this website.

We made this website in line with current internet standards.
We followed German regulations for accessibility.
These are the regulations:

  • German Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
  • Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance

This accessibility statement is from 31.10.2023

In this accessibility statement, we inform you on the following:

  • Where you can report a barrier
  • Who you can contact if your problem with the website is not solved.

Where can I report a barrier?

Did you find a barrier on this website?
Do you have any questions?
Then you can send us an email.
This is our email address:

Who else can I contact?

You found a barrier on this website.
Or you sent us a question.
But you are not happy with our answer.
Or you did not receive an answer from us.

Then you can contact the Arbitration Service.
The Arbitration Service will help you solve your problem.
And the Arbitration Service will talk to us.
This is called arbitration.
Arbitration means settlement by agreement.

Arbitration is free of charge.
You do not need a lawyer.

You can find more information about arbitration
on the website of the Arbitration Service.
For instance:

  • How does arbitration work?
  • How can I send an application for arbitration?

This is the website of the Arbitration Service:

You can read the content of this website also via web reader.

How to contact the Arbitration Service

Email address:


Post address:

Schlichtungsstelle nach dem Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz
bei dem Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für die Belange von Menschen mit Behinderungen
Mauerstraße 53
10117 Berlin

Phone number: 0049 30 185 272 805

Fax number: 0049 30 185 272 901


How to contact the German Institute for Human Rights

Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte
Zimmerstraße 26/27
10969 Berlin

Phone number: 0049 30 259 359 - 0
Fax number: 0049 30 259 359 - 59

Mail: info(at)institut-fuer-menschenrechte.de

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